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Gymnastics Unlimited Rules and Policies

Dress Code:  Students must be properly dressed for class.  Any student who is not properly dressed will not be allowed to participate.

  • Boys:  Gym shorts, warm up pants or sweatpants and a T-shirt are required. Excessively baggy pants/shirts or pants and shirts with buttons, zippers or buckles will not be allowed. No shoes of any type.

  • Girls:  A one-piece leotard is required.  Lycra shorts, pants or tights with no feet are optional.  Hair must be pulled up and out of their face. Jewelry and big hair bows/barrettes are not allowed. No shoes of any type.

Visitors:  All visitors and spectators must sit in the observation area for the safety and educational environment of the students.  No spectators or parents are allowed on the gym floor at any time.  A coach must supervise all children on the gym floor.  An adult must supervise all children in the observation area.  The observation area is not a place for physical activity (i.e. running, jumping, cartwheels, etc.) nor playing.

Membership: An annual membership fee of $40.00 is due at the time of registration.  This membership is good for 12 months from the date of enrollment.  The membership must be renewed on the anniversary month.

Tuition: Tuition is due the 25th of the month prior (example: Nov. Tuition is due Oct. 25th).  If tuition is not paid by the first class of the month, it is considered late.  At that time an administrative fee (late fee) of $20 will be charged.  If tuition is not paid by the student's 2nd class of the month, they will be dropped from the program.  The administrative fee will remain on your account if/when you return to classes.  Please contact the office if you ever have extenuating circumstances.

Tuition is based on a four (4) lesson month.  Fees will be adjusted for months with five (5) lessons or gym holidays.  No credit or adjustments will be made for unattended classes.  Make-up classes will be offered for missed classes.  (See make-up policy.)

Returned Checks: There will be a $30.00 service charge on any returned checks.  In addition, all returned checks will have to be cleared with cash.

Make-Up Policy: If a class is not attended, for any reason, a make-up class may be scheduled through the office within sixty (60) days of the missed class, as long as the student is enrolled.  An unattended make-up class (not cancelled 24 hours prior to the class) will be counted as the make-up.  No make-ups will be scheduled after a student has withdrawn from the program.  Fees will not be prorated (nor credit given) for unattended classes or missed make-up classes.

Withdrawal Policy: Any student enrolled will be required to properly withdraw from class.  A two (2) -week written withdrawal notice must be turned into the office. Written withdrawals can be given by regular mail, e-mail, or with a from from the office.  Tuition will be due through the two-week notice.  Verbal and/or phone withdrawals will not be accepted.  Due to the limited number of spaces in our classes, Gymnastics Unlimited must adhere to this withdrawal policy.


Gym Policies: No child or person is allowed on the gym floor or any gym equipment except when participating in a supervised class.  All children must remain supervised by parent/guardian when not in class.  No gum, food or drinks are allowed in the gym area.

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